Monday, May 30, 2011

16 Random Things I Don't Care For

  1. Ads on YouTube.
  2. The way women are often portrayed in mainstream media. 
  3. Celebrity news. 
  4. My uncanny ability to always be lost and always be late. 
  5. Alarm clocks in film projects.
  6. My cat biting me.
  7. When my hair dries and anything cool I did with it comes undone.
  8. Breeze-less nights 
  9. Meaningless meanness. 
  10. How often I lose things.
  11. People who are on their cell phone when they are being served.
  12. Wastefulness.
  13. When my black clothes fade in the wash.
  14. Non-living wage.
  15. Apathy.
  16. Negativity. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

27 Random Things I Like

  1. Floral print bedding that looks a little grandmother-y.  
  2. Lisa Simpson's laugh.
  3. Touching cats' paws.
  4. Painting my toenails orange and more specifically putting my feet on a ground in the morning with orange toenails.
  5. Motown music.
  6. Moral Consistency.
  7. Doing my hair when it is wet.
  8. Wes Anderson's music choices.
  9. Songs that make me want to smoke something.
  10. Smoking imaginary cigarettes.  
  11. Board games.
  12. Getting off of work before 10:30pm.
  13. Helping others.  
  14. Little kids with unibrows.
  15. Buying hygiene products.  I love the smell of new shampoo!  
  16. Lists.
  17. Driving into the city late at night with good music playing.  
  18. Riding Megabus to New Cit-tay!
  19. Annoying my roommate. 
  20. When a totally awesome song comes on the radio.
  21. Vegan ice cream.
  22. Vegan pizza.
  23. Writing letters and making cards.
  24. Arts & Crafts.
  25. Trying a song for the first time on the ukulele.
  26. An orchestra tuning.
  27. Finding cool/funny things on computer when I'm trying to sort stuff on it. 

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    The Movement

    In August, this lease is up.  At least two of my housemates are moving.  This leaves one mate unasked and two still deciding.  I am one of the two and the other one is reading this now. 

    Hi Jason!

    I can't believe I've lived here for this long.  Has it really been almost two years?  That's unbelievable. 

    I still want many of the same things I wanted before but I'm not any closer to having or achieving them.  I've written about this before so I'm not going to write about it again.   

    Sometimes when I'm cracking up laughing with my seriously funny roommates and take a moment to consider how lucky I am to be living with them.  They're so funny!  It's like a constant comedy show!  Maybe this is why I recently have become drawn to comedy writing.  With the impending movement I realize how much I don't want the funny to end.  Laughing is one of the best parts about being alive.  Sometimes I wonder what people laugh at in third world places laugh out.  Do they find something?  They must. 

    This post is cheesy, rambly, and weird.  I think I like it. 

    "Did someone say cheese?"

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    First Contacts

    I got contacts about three months ago. I've worn them about three times.

    When I look at myself in the mirror without my glasses I think I look really pretty. When I look at myself in pictures without my glasses I think I look pretty weird. How strange is that?

    Other people's opinions about glasses vs. no glasses have varied to "You look weird." to "Stick with your glasses." to "No, you're glasses are you!"

    I agree that my glasses have more or less become a part of my face and a part of me. And while there are a few people telling me I look good without my glasses, the general consensus goes for glasses. Still, the mirror seduces me and says, "Put annoying those plastic pieces in your eyes!"

    That's another thing. It took me forever to figure out how to put in (and then take out) my contacts. I got the contacts because they were cheaper with insurance but I've wasted about three pairs through trail and error.

    In making the change, sometimes my self-critical voice jabs, "Who are you trying to impress?"  

    To which I answer, "Myself."

    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Say Something Funny.

    Something funny. Nah, just kidding. Two weekends ago I took a comedy class. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "But Amy, you're so naturally fumny, why do you possibly need to take a class on the subject of comedy?"

    Well, after reading Tina Fey's book Bossypants I was deeply moved and inspired and I took a few moments to re-examine what I wanted in my life and how I could get there. Around this time, I was also distracted by a copy of "The Onion" on the kitchen table and I saw that Philly has an Improv Theater.

    PHIT the Shit!

    I checked out the advertised group online and low and behold they not only had classes but one of the classes coming up was going to be taught by current Saturday Night Live writer, Christine Nangle. The site said April 30th to May 1st...

    "That's this weekend and it's in a few days." I thought. "...and it's $200. Hmmm..." I reasoned, "Well, I still haven't asked for anything for graduation...maybe this could be my present."

    Long story short, my dad very kindly paid for the class and the class was amazing!

    Something Christine Nangle wrote and starred in. 

    There were seven other people taking the class plus the writer/teacher. For class I had to have a few things written. Over a few days I whipped something up based on the Asch Experiments. It wasn't the funniest thing ever written but was amazed that I even finished it. Other people's stuff was great too but my favorite thing about the class was being able to ask Christine questions afterwards. Her answers gave me hope that there is security in working hard.  I think I learned from her that eventually things will work out. It may take longer than you want or expect and it may happen in a way you never predict but it will happen.  Or at least, I hope that is what I learned.