Monday, June 13, 2011

When Your Wish is a Vegan Dish!

This past Saturday was eventful, meaningful, and delicious!

I got to cater at an entirely vegan wedding!  It was wonderous!

Miss Rachel of Miss Rachel's Pantry was awesome enough to take me on board and in a sense, under her wing.  I am in awe of her hard work, talent, and niceness!

Miss Rachel's Pantry is an entirely vegan business run by a real vegan.  Miss Rachel started her business a few years ago and has been amazing vegans and non-vegans alike with her creativity and her consistency to serve things that are oh, so good!

On Saturday, she and three other lovely ladies, and myself, worked to prepare and serve a small-ish wedding which took place on a gorgeous horse farm.  I got to see horses roll around in the grass and kick their feet up in delight!  I've never seen that before!

The food consisted of about 10 plates (not including Hors D'Oeuvres) for 10 tables.  With each warming of food there was a new, mouth-watering smell in the kitchen, with each placing of the plates on the tables there were "Ooos and Ahhs!", and with each dish there was a lot of walking back and forth.  This part would have been easier if I could have found shoes that were more exactly my size (6-1/2 Wide) but wide sizes are harder to come by.

At any rate, it was all worth it when people were done eating and the team could sit down and chow down.  The food was perfect!

After our meal, we started cleaning up and I heard the Mother-of-the-Bride tell Miss Rachel that she was now thinking of ditching her current "veg" lifestyle and just going vegan because of how impressed she was with the food!  I got teary I was so touched!

I want to do more work like this.

"I want more!"

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