Monday, November 1, 2010

Rally to Restore Sanity and Practice Patience

 A time line of Saturday's adventures:

6:45 - Woke up
7:30 - Picked up
7:50 - Picked up my sister and a friend
8:30 - Played with my friend's iPad
11:30 - Parked and started waiting in line for the subway
1:03 - Got on the subway
1:30 - Got off the subway and started walking towards the mall
2:00 - Sort of settled where we could see a TV, cool signs, and costumes
3:00 - Started to head back
4:00 - Back at the car
7:30 - Back where I started

In looking at the time line, it may seem like I waited around a lot which is true but it was good time regardless.  So many different people, the signs were clever, costumes were creative, and the weather was devine.  Just a perfect day standing around and moving a few feet every few minutes.  I brought food with me and I wore my red feather boa usually designated for Rocky Horror.  Money is tight and I can't go to the show but I still wanted to get one solid day of boa wearing in this year. 

At the rally, I couldn't see Colbert or Stewart but we could hear them with the help of the temperamental speakers.  My favorite things of the day were spending time with people I don't spend enough time with and the weather.  I also found the turn out encouraging in terms of people who are for sanity.  I also liked going to say that I went.

Another great part of the day was a thrift store I applied to called me back to setup an interview!  I hope I get the job because I genuinely love the store and I genuinely need a job.     

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