Monday, October 18, 2010

Neither Here Nor There

In short, New York didn't happen.  I could go into deeper details but I don't want to repeat mistakes from my past and have a bunch of people angry at me.  Least of all myself.  I want to learn from my mistakes.

For a week, I believed and acted like I was moving away.  My plans seemed so sudden and daringly incomplete.  Things seemed too good to be true and at the same time I had vexing mixed feelings.

I knew that I would miss numerous small things and more obviously ones like, friends, family, and roommates.  The place I have been trying to leave for over a year now isn't so bad after all.  It just feels the same.  And this gives me feelings of restless. Sigh...I'm such an INFP...

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”
                                                                                 ~ Marcel Proust

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